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ADVERTENCIA YOU ARE NOT BUYING A LILYGO® TTGO T-Internet-POE ESP32-WROOM LAN8720A Chip Ethernet Adapter and Downloader Expansion Board Programmable Hardware - Downloader YOU'RE BUYING ONLY THE PROGRAMADOR Be careful =PUNC= the cretin who makes the product description does it in bad faith is not about the processor board: what he really advertises is the board that serves for communications . Put the picture of the TTGO first so that you think you are buying that but the description corresponds to the picture of the small plate with the usb to RS232 converter . Either you can help someone who can translate Chinese into Spanish and has worked with electronics or you're not going to sell any resistance. Avoid buying them anything until they do their job right.
This is a really nice board. Finally an affordable ESP32 board with PoE. The programming is though using an additional board is a little tricky since there are no pin markings on the main board. Be careful how you plug it in.