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Q: Hi, where to find additional batteries?

Asked by pass75 on 2022-09-14 07:27:09

The seller Hello, you can contact our online customer service for better consultation. Thank you.

2022-09-14 09:30:54 Helpful (0)
Answers (1)

pass75 Dear seller, please give us back the first version of this camera that works with p6slite app, much much better than Tuya. Please, please!

2021-11-06 04:15:20 Helpful (6)
Answers (3)

Q: NVR Onvif does not work ?

Asked by kruidenier on 2021-09-03 10:19:42

pass75 From p6slite to Tuya is a downgrade not an upgrade. Try both the app and then see by yourself.

2021-11-06 04:12:34 Helpful (1)
Answers (2)

pass75 P6Slite was much much better than Tuya. Tuya is horrible, less than half of p6slite featurse, slower, and worse quality image. Please give us back the same camera with the original p6slite firmware.

2021-11-06 04:08:39 Helpful (3)
Answers (3)