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Q: hi! Which Lipo should I buy for the mobula6 more?

Asked by CLosHill on 2019-12-06 03:09:04

GEOFPV GNB 300 or 350HV batteries work best.

2020-01-27 07:42:13 Helpful (1)
Answers (2)

gmeunier Hi, I have a few Tattu 1550’s which are the same size as your RDQ pack and the 86mm tube works fine. The tube is 86mm wide when folded flat. I hope this helps!

2020-01-13 06:07:38 Helpful (1)
Answers (1)

Q: Does the included bracket support for a 19x19 enclosure?

Asked by GEOFPV on 2019-06-10 12:00:30

tedhancock68 Mine came with a 19mm bracket and the camera itself has its own mounting holes.

2019-11-16 06:31:24 Helpful (0)
Answers (1)