
Q: is it suitable for examining photography negatives and slides?

Asked by BG172057485 on 2021-01-01 10:08:54

ARTYCHOKEUK I'd be surprised if it couldn't fulfill your requirements. At worst, add sheets of tracing paper to further diffuse the light or white opal acrylic.

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Q: Can we use this on an induction heat source ?

Asked by nvinhmy on 2019-03-21 11:12:09

ARTYCHOKEUK Induction hobs need "base metals" by my understanding.

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ARTYCHOKEUK After the first dummy run to flush the still of impurities, you can distill water but it won't produce "fresh water" (for drinking) as such. It will taste "flat" & unpalatable. Ok at a push if desperate or making hot drinks but still not the best. A desalinator is what you need.

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Q: Could it work with 110v power?

Asked by PIGUAVE on 2018-09-15 21:50:25

ARTYCHOKEUK RMS = "Root mean square" an international standard of averaging & the ONLY meaningful standard by which amplifier output should be measured. It is invariably the subject of abuse by advertisers who (conveniently) fleece consumers who fall for the numbers alone. It's been a gripe amongst honest traders for at least 50 yrs that I know of. Always look for the RMS value & avoid "Peak Music" values that CAN often be out by a factor of up to 4 TIMES !!

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Q: can I use this heater for my water tank 500 litters?

Asked by Devonlee on 2018-10-09 04:07:15

ARTYCHOKEUK 200 watts will warm it.... a few degrees eventually perhaps ! Such a volume of water is likely to require 2000 watts plus, ideally 3000 (3kW). Apart from the obvious dangers of electrocution, beware of creating perfect conditions for legionella. Minimum temperatures are needed to combat this.

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