
Q: Anybody vouch for this being a freestyle rippa???

Asked by BG121712837 on 2021-12-04 15:10:04

jjhall I do hereby solemnly swear.... that this thing is a rippa!!! 🤘 🛸 🧨 😂

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jjhall You can, but maybe you shouldn't. With one of those batteries it wouldn't have much pep, and with two (2s), 520 would be too heavy...

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Q: viene con la montura para gopro?

Asked by CARLOSRIDEBCS on 2020-11-03 14:33:14

jjhall si, viene con esta pieza además de varias otros que están en las fotos

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jjhall No viene en combo, tiene que comprar el rx (receiver) segun su tx (transmitter). le recomiendo el crossfire con el TBS Tango 2, o el frsky con el XLite.

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jjhall The ESC's are the same and both can handle up to 6s, but the motor kv on the 4s version is higher. In other words, running 6s on the 4s would be possible, but not advisable, because the motors would run very hot and you risk burning them. On the other hand, you could run 4s on the 6s version and have a slightly underpowered, less noisy quad, but with no consequences I am aware of. Best to use 4s for the 4s version and 6s for the 6s version, though, they chose those motor kv's for a reason!

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jjhall Those goggles have anolog rx capabilities so they should work just fine with this or any other quad with an anaolog vtx.

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