Since that little dribbling tool was weak, I needed something stronger, I had some of the Pevecs a long time ago, 10/15 years ago, it wasn't good, Since I had an aftermath of Lidl with a nimh battery that voltage I don't remember but I had a while and stopped working, then I was fed up with more of these little tools so I got myself a 400w Extool grinder, industrial 6 mm accepted the potentiometer is gone but it still works 30000 rpm, and I haven't used the spare brushes yet, we dug iron on the machine so that the big mill can fit i.e. screws made of it, we made a parquet of 10mm, with 3 and 4 layers of slats) for grinding on stone, it's for grinding after welding to look nicer I have even that dremel tools can fit in it, but too heavy for small and precise things, whether in the lid that little tool on 12v on lithium batteries but the code is always large and not slightly improved performance, This Banggoodov is smaller and stronger although a colleague told me that this little one is not in the center when it's at 6 speed, a little noisy at that speed but it's a good thing, I found a video of what batteries go into it, a similar model was in the video, This was from a work tool from a video, Thanks Banggood
Kako mi je onaj mali ko dremel alat bio slab trebalo mi je nešta jače, Imao sam prije davno neke od Peveca prije 10/15g nije valjalo, kako sam imao poslije od Lidla sa nimh baterijom koja voltaža nesječam se ali imao sam neko vrijeme i prestao raditi, onda sam bio sit više tih malih alata pa sam si uzeo jednu brusilica 400w Extool, industrijska je 6 mm prihvača potenciometar nema ali još uvijek radi bizu 30000 okretaja u minuti, i rezervne četkice još nisam upotrijebio, na stroju smo kopali željezo da može veliko glodalo stati tj. šarafi od njega, radili smo parket od 10mm, sa 3 i 4 sloja lamela)na brušenje na kamen, to je za brušenje poslije varenja da lijepše izgleda imam čak da može i dremel alati u njega stati, ali pretežak za sitne i precizne stvari, bilo u lidlu ta mali alat na 12v na litium batterije ali kod uvijek velik i nisu Nešto poboljšane performanse, ovaj Banggoodov je manji i jači iako mi je kolega rekao da ovaj malo nije u centru kad je na 6 brzini, malo bučan pri toj brzini ali je dobra stvar, bio sam našao video o kakve baterije idu u njega sličan model je bio u videu, ovo je bio od work Tool iz jednog videa, Thanks Banggood
Since that little dribbling tool was weak, I needed something stronger, I had some of the Pevecs a long time ago, 10/15 years ago, it wasn't good, Since I had an aftermath of Lidl with a nimh battery that voltage I don't remember but I had a while and stopped working, then I was fed up with more of these little tools so I got myself a 400w Extool grinder, industrial 6 mm accepted the potentiometer is gone but it still works 30000 rpm, and I haven't used the spare brushes yet, we dug iron on the machine so that the big mill can fit i.e. screws made of it, we made a parquet of 10mm, with 3 and 4 layers of slats) for grinding on stone, it's for grinding after welding to look nicer I have even that dremel tools can fit in it, but too heavy for small and precise things, whether in the lid that little tool on 12v on lithium batteries but the code is always large and not slightly improved performance, This Banggoodov is smaller and stronger although a colleague told me that this little one is not in the center when it's at 6 speed, a little noisy at that speed but it's a good thing, I found a video of what batteries go into it, a similar model was in the video, This was from a work tool from a video, Thanks Banggood