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xiaohui Adapter speakers: left and right channels 30-220W3-82 subwoofer 30-350W 2-8

2024-12-11 12:05:11 Helpful (0)
Answers (1)

ClaubervandoCialdine I recently bought two cell phones at the Banggood store, one for me and one for my wife, we like it very much, but after two weeks of use, my wife's device started to show unexpected shutdowns, when using it or even when I'm not using it it, it turns off out of nowhere. I have already restored factory settings and it continues with the shutdown. I would like to replace my wife's, she must have had a hardware or software problem

BG221392232 17/08/2023
Comments (6)

BG221392232 ele veio nas configurações anunciadas? você poderia me informar.

p.j.g.meeuwis 11/07/2023
Comments (3)

The seller What is your country? Could you please contact banggood via live chat to check your order?

2023-08-02 02:48:53 Helpful (0)
Answers (1)