
Q: Can I anywhere find user manual for this?

Asked by BG125145564 on 2021-11-05 13:55:30

core There is a manual for Eleaf vaping battery, you can find it with Google. You can turn on or off device by 5 presses of the button and light will confirm the action. If device is ON, in order to use it you need to hold the button pressed, then shortly release of the button before the vaping protection of battery kicks in (10-15sec), then you can press the button again to continue heating, and repeat to heat more. To stop heating, release the button completely. If you keep pressed the button continuously for more than 15 seconds, the battery protection kicks in and the heating stops.

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Q: what is the battery size?

Asked by philipkaslund on 2021-10-10 19:05:26

core There is no battery, the station has a power cable to AC voltage and an on-off switch in the back.

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