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  • 11/12/2021

    bought for bedroom, the instalation was quite easy and only two cables was needed. there is 3 ways to controll the fan. the remote, the lightswitch on the wall that if you quickly switch it on/off the fan switches between diffrent modes. and then.... the app... the app is quite horrendious and has as the time of writing been removed from the android appstore (atleast for me) you can still sideload it to a phone. the controlls on the app are totaly wonky. sometimes it does not reconice that the fan/light is on and you need to double turn it on to make it work. there are other settings on the app that do "someting". like a "summer wind" or "sleep" setting. these makes the fan do stuff. but the lower setting is still quite loud. while the light is very good for the room the controlls for it are strange. if we take the diffrent light modes as 1 2 and 3. using the remote to change mode sometimes go 12, 12, 12 and sometimes 13, 13, to 23. if you use the app and it feels like the lamp is off while it is not, it might be in mode 2. then the app connects and turns the lamp to mode 1. the fan just seems like a hit or miss qualitywise. if you look at one of the picture you can see the middle plastic ring way off. every thing "works", but with the wonky app and remote that are used to controll it daily i cannot give it more than 3 of 5 stars

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