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After several trouble-free flights, a breakdown occurred: the drone took off like a flash, with the motors at full throttle, and I had to trigger an RTH to avoid losing it. When I managed to bring it back, one of the motors was overheating and burning every time (some screws had come loose inside the motor). Once the RTH did not work because I lost connection (at 10 meters high) and the drone flew very high in the sky, then went in the opposite direction about 300 meters away, but fortunately I miraculously managed to find it in a field next to a building (the battery had QUICKLY drained). Once, while forcing it to land, I even broke one of the landing gears. I cannot understand the origin of this breakdown. I have made dozens of takeoffs and the drone flies like a missile (indoors by hitting the ceiling and outdoors). I have also launched several takeoffs while holding it in my hand, and the motors are abnormally spinning because they vibrate with such a loud noise that I feel like the blades will detach. Should I return the drone and get a refund?
Received with defective gimbal (tilted completely down)._One of the batteries moves inside (has play)._I plan to return it._This is the second drone (same model) that I have ordered._The first one had problems with motors running at high speed (which I will certainly also return).