order got here very quickly, in 12 days, without any problems, mail sent me an email to come in and pick it up. The devices work well, with each other and with older PMR radios. Features we've tried so far are doing the right thing. The plastic tray inside the box is slightly disintegrated, as if it had been standing for a long time, but the radios and accessories are intact. Each radio had the battery on it, the box had a separate bag for the battery, I think they'll be tested (can/can't do) before delivery, which is good. The batteries, they were on storage charge, not drained, are also good.
The order got here very quickly, in 12 days, without any problems, the post office sent me an email to go pick it up. Devices work well, both with each other and with improved PMR radios. The functions tested so far do their job properly. The plastic tray inside the box is slightly worn, as if it has been sitting for a long time, but the radios and accessories are completely intact. Every radio had the battery on it, there was a separate bag for the battery in the box, I think they are tested (works/doesn't work) before delivery, which is good. The batteries were at storage capacity, not discharged, also good.
A rendelés nagyon gyorsan ideért, 12 nap alatt, gond nélkül, posta küldött emailt hogy menjek be átvenni. A készülékek jól mûködnek, egymással és régebbi PMR rádiókkal is. Az eddig kipróbált funkciók korrektül teszik a dolgukat. A a dobozon belüli mûanyag tálca enyhén szét van mállva, mintha nagyon sokat állt volna, de a rádiók és a tartozékok teljesen épek. Minden rádión rajta volt az akku, a dobozban külön volt zacskó az akkunak, szerintem tesztelésre (megy/nem megy) kerülnek kiszállítás elôtt, ami jó. Az akkuk, tárolási töltöttségen voltak, nem lemerülve, szintén jó.
The order got here very quickly, in 12 days, without any problems, the post office sent me an email to go pick it up. Devices work well, both with each other and with older PMR radios. The functions tested so far do their job correctly. The plastic tray inside the box is slightly worn, as if it has been sitting for a long time, but the radios and accessories are completely intact. Every radio had the battery on it, there was a separate bag for the battery in the box, I think they are tested (works/doesn't work) before delivery, which is good. The batteries were at storage capacity, not discharged, also good.
order got here very quickly, in 12 days, without any problems, mail sent me an email to come in and pick it up. The devices work well, with each other and with older PMR radios. Features we've tried so far are doing the right thing. The plastic tray inside the box is slightly disintegrated, as if it had been standing for a long time, but the radios and accessories are intact. Each radio had the battery on it, the box had a separate bag for the battery, I think they'll be tested (can/can't do) before delivery, which is good. The batteries, they were on storage charge, not drained, are also good.
The order got here very quickly, in 12 days, without any problems, the post office sent me an email to go pick it up. Devices work well, both with each other and with improved PMR radios. The functions tested so far do their job properly. The plastic tray inside the box is slightly worn, as if it has been sitting for a long time, but the radios and accessories are completely intact. Every radio had the battery on it, there was a separate bag for the battery in the box, I think they are tested (works/doesn't work) before delivery, which is good. The batteries were at storage capacity, not discharged, also good.