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My Account My Orders My Wishlist My Coupons My Points My Referrals BGpayBanggood Dear Customer, Thank you for choosing Banggood and sorry for your any inconvenience with the product. There is an instruction about how to use the product on the product page, you could kindly check for it. If you have any suggestions or require our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via these links: Personal Computer: We are glad to help you to solve the problem and give you a proper solution as soon as possible. Thanks for your kindly understanding. Best regards, Banggood Team
12/02/2025mkorunda Cannot see the front and tail lights. Would you be so kind to make photos of them (if they exists). Thanks
Reply 24/08/2023adri62 minegoes 45 with app by google ; at least it tries because it is just a 36v and 500w ; with back wind it goes, facing the wind it still go 30 and i weight 90kg
Reply 16/12/2023
KedvesHottentotta! Mennyire vzll a roller? Lehet es
ben hasznlni? A gumik tmrgumik vagy felfjhatak?
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